The Government of Cameroon issues a new decree on the organization and functioning of the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency

On December 03, 2020, the President of the Republic signed Decree N° 727 on the organization and functioning of the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (TRA). TRA has to ensure, on behalf of the  State of Cameroon,  the  regulation, control  and  monitoring  of  the  activities  of  dealers,  network  operators   and  providers of  electronic  communication  services.

For the purposes of its missions, TRA Agency wields the powers of regulation, control, investigation, injunction, coercion and sanction. Particular activities and duties of TRA include:

– ensuring the implementation of laws and regulations in the field of telecommunications and information and communication technologies;

– ensuring that networks open to the public are accessed under objective, transparent and non-discriminatory conditions;

– ensuring healthy and fair competition in the telecommunications and information and communication technology sector;

– sanctioning operators’ failures to fulfil their obligations as well as anti-trust practices;

– defining principles governing the pricing of the services provided;

– reviewing license applications and preparing decisions relating thereto;

– formally issuing declaration receipts;

– defining the conditions and obligations for interconnection and infrastructure sharing;

– issuing an official opinion on all draft laws and regulations relafing to electronic communicatior.s·

– ensuring the assignment and control of the frequency spectrum;

– preparing tender documents for concessions and licences;

– drawing up and managing the numbering plan;

– submitting to the Government any proposals and recommendations  for the development  and modernization of  the  telecommunications  and information and communication technology sector;

– assigning addressing resources;

– examining files for the approval of terminal equipment and preparing the related decisions;

– issuing approvals;

– ensuring consumer protection;

– performing any other general interest task it may be assigned by the Government in the telecommunications and information and communication technology sector.

The technical aspects of TRA shall be under the supervisory authority of the ministry in charge of Telecommunications; meanwhile the financial aspects shall be under the supervisory authority of the ministry in charge of Finance.

Vanessa Halle, Esq.,

Partner | IP Attorney

Date: 23/12/2020

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